About us

Teachers in our schools need our help because they are expected to supply things for their classrooms, most of which are paid for by the teacher and not the school.

In years past, schools had budgets for classroom supplies and decorations, items provided to stimulate students. Today, sadly, these budgets no longer exist. A teacher is expected to purchase classroom decorations and often other supplies that students need to complete their assignments.

Many teachers are paying between $500 and $1,000 a year to supplement and provide decorations and supplies for their classrooms. Most teachers receive only small increases in their pay. In addition, many of our teachers are young, single, or single parents. Purchasing school supplies and decorations could very well be taking food off their tables.


PLEASE Support Smart 4 Success!

Please support SMART 4 Success so that we can provide tax-free grants to teachers for items such as school supplies, decorations, and possibly new technology.  Some teachers also have a need to supply necessities to students such as underwear, socks, soap, and shampoo.  Our mission is to help the teacher help the student, however that may be.

Teachers who are interested in applying for grants will need to fill out our questionnaire, which will be judged on content. All identifying information held back from the judging committee.  We hope to award $250 - $500 grants for as many teachers as funding is available.

Smart 4 Success is a “Not-for-profit” company in Texas and has applied for federal tax exempt (501(c)(3) status, making your contributions tax deductible.

Thank you for supporting SMART 4 Success!